Le webinaire IA de Datalchemy
On the second Tuesday of each month, from 12.15pm to 1pm, we invite you to take part in our AI Webinar.
Au programme : Eric « No Compromise » Debeir, CTO de Datalchemy et rédacteur de nos échos de la recherche vous présente sans concession un sujet d’IA. Echanges et questions réponses à l’issue.
What you will take away from these 45 minutes :
- A precise view of the major issues at stake in a topical AI subject
- Topics, articles and technology to share with your colleagues
- An opportunity to ask straightforward questions to a professional who develops and integrates algorithms on a daily basis.
So don't wait to sign up and receive the connection link, and click on the links below.
Au programme de notre prochain webinaire :
IA et Causalité
Mardi 18 février de 12:10 à 13:00