They trust us : the companies that call on us.

Nous menons pour la RIVP un projet de mise en cohérence des données patrimoniales

General Electric Healthcare
We provide tailor-made training courses for GE Healthcare on the state of the art and the issues involved in deep learning for medical imaging. We also work on R&D projects.

Conseil de l'Europe
Datalchemy vient de remporter un accord-cadre avec le Conseil de l’Europe pour accompagner leurs équipes sur des sujets IA.

Louis Bachelier Institute
We are working with the LBI on Deep Learning consultancy projects.

For the Légifrance website, we carried out a deep learning project for the automated consolidation of legal texts (laws, decrees and ordinances).

Nous apportons notre expertise scientifique au projet Geonomy, notamment en suivi et reproduction de la recherche de pointe, comme en stratégie globale IA

Groupe Up
We are working for the Up group on a deep learning project in the field of personal assistance services, as well as the anonymisation of associated data.

French Civil Aviation Authority
We have carried out deep learning training for the Civil Aviation Authority and are providing expertise on a project aimed at automatic dialogue recognition in control towers.

Nous effectuons une mission de suivi de la recherche académique et de conseil en implémentation et industrialisation IA

Aplim, Charlemagne and Ecole Directe
We are contributing to the deployment of new data tools in the software suite developed by Aplim for schools.

We are working with the CPAM on a project to improve the effectiveness of screening campaigns.

Datalchemy works in partnership with Kickmaker to develop the deep and machine learning offering for their customers. In this context, we also work on embedded data science, deep and machine learning projects in collaboration with their teams.

VINCI Energies
Nous travaillons pour VINCI Energies sur des problématiques de RAG et de classification documentaire.

Bureau Veritas
Nous travaillons avec BV à des sujets de reconnaissance d’éléments sur des photographies.

Nous accompagnons Valeo dans la mise en place de projets IA, notamment en optimisation de la production.

We implement deep learning and data visualisation research projects for the ITM.

Ecole 42
For Ecole 42, we designed a data architecture to enable high-performance and innovative data processing.